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Plan your healthy habits

Amy von Sydow Green is a dietician and coaches’ people about food and health. To her, planning is essential, and she also thinks it’s an important part of reaching one’s goals.

Amy, please tell us about your everyday life as a dietician and entrepreneur.

I work from home and enjoy it very much! Since a part of my work is to develop and test out new recipes to share with my clients, I must have my kitchen available. I always have a notebook lying there where I can write down ideas and inspiration. I divide the week between my different tasks, such as coaching meetings, administration, check-ins with clients and so on.

Digital planning – or pens and paper?

I try out digital systems sometimes, but I always realise that I LOVE to plan with pens and paper. The calendar and my lists are my constant companions. The only part of my work that I plan digitally is my meetings, which I use Google calendar for. It’s very practical to have a system that enables my clients to book meetings with me themselves. Otherwise, I only use pens and paper.

How do you plan and structure your life?

I write down EVERYTHING in my calendar. This is the best way for me to get an overview. I like to be able to browse and see what my weeks will look like. This also helps me to not book in too much.

Something I’ve gotten better at is not only making time for activities/meetings in my calendar, but to also book in prep time. Every week I have meetings and other things I need to prepare for, and now I actively book in time for these things.

How do you use to-do lists?

I always have at least three lists on my desk! One list for all the small things that must be done during the week: book a dental appointment for the kids, pay bills, buy new shorts for my son… I easily forget if I don’t have it on the list, but I also like to check off things – it’s satisfying to see everything I’ve done! I also have a list for general work things and at least one list for a specific project I work with.

You coach people to reach their goals, why is it important to write down one’s goals?

To write down a goal is a fantastic way of making sure that you’ve thought it through properly. Define the goal clearly and make a detailed plan. Decide what to do, but don’t let it stop there. Also consider when to do it and how.

Next step? Think about what to do if something gets in the way – what’s your plan B for your workouts, can you work out at home if you can’t get to the gym? Also write down why your goal is important to you.

Make a list of your goals that you can put up on the refrigerator door for example. When you’ve written down the goal it will feel more real. It’s also effective to see your goals on paper.

Do you have a favourite product at Bookbinders Design?

My favourite product is the to-do lists with the nice paper to write on, but I also love the beautiful boxes! I use them for storing receipts, recipes/inspiration that I’ve cut out of magazines and so on. At the end of the day, I always put all my “clutter” in a box!

Amy's favorites

Notebook Hardcover, Sun Yellow
170 x 200 mm
To-do list, Sand Brown
158 x 90 mm
Notebook Wire-O, Sand Brown
Cardboard Box, Dusty Pink
For Box A5
Box, Marigold
Box, Sun Yellow

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